The promotion of environmental literacy is crucial in shaping positive environmental outcomes, encompassing aspects like environmental knowledge, understanding, attitudes, behaviour, nature connection, and ecological improvement. Early childhood environmental education programs strategically leverage key developmental stages, addressing cognition, physical health, well-being, moral development, and social skills. In alignment with this philosophy, CGR introduces the innovative “Leadership for Earth and Future (LEAF) program, specifically tailored for children aged 5-12 years. This initiative reflects CGR’s commitment to instilling leadership skills and environmental consciousness from an early age. LEAF, as a program, is strategically crafted to cultivate environmental literacy, nurture environmental sensitivity and interest, and instill environmental consciousness in young children. The overarching goal of LEAF is to effect positive lifestyle and behavioral changes not only in the children themselves but also in their lives and the environment at large. CGR initiated 15 rural LEAF Centers in the villages of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.